The great thing about our healing time in the Circles is that before we begin, we talk about those we know of who are in particular need, also giving a welcome to babies arriving and a farewell to those who are passing back into Spirit, asking for beautiful energies to surround them and their families.  As we settle to the Healing Time we state, ‘Allow this room to become a Healing Temple of Light igniting all the Crystal energy and welcoming guides, loved ones, helpers and angelic beings to draw close’.  We then focus firstly to draw healing energies to ourselves; physically, mentally, emotionally, then we have a few minutes of silence to be aware of those settling within us.  We then declare we are infinite beings of light and work by connecting in with the Guides to channel through Spiritual Energy to all we have mentioned at the beginning plus everyone in our healing books and Reiki boxes.  We connect in all Circle members - past, present and a welcome to those who will join us in the future, especially mentioning absent Circle members and their families.

We have another quiet time to mention our personal family and friends to send a blessing to them.  Then the reach becomes wider as we bless our homes, our animals and safe travel wherever we go.  The circle of blessings extends out into our Communities, our Country, World and the Universe joining with others for Peace, Love, Healing and Harmony, charging our Leaders of the World to “Be of Benefit to All and Harm to None” and acknowledging that we take responsibility for our own Leadership Roles.  Finally we thank Mother Earth and Father Sky for their generosity and commit to working towards the Light in all that we do.  Amen.

How effective is it?  All our prayers have an impact not just on those of us who are saying the prayer, but also, we are aware that sending and receiving positive energy has a tremendous effect on the world as a whole.  We hear back from people whom we have focused on all over the world, saying how they have felt the energy, sharing with us the difference it has made.  What better way can we be making a difference in such a loving and profound manner.  And we all receive those benefits. I do not know of one Circle member who it has not helped transform their lives and been of help to their family and friends.

We are very proud to have been doing this work since February 1995 - imagine how beautiful is the wave of Spiritual energy has been generated since the beginning of the Circles. We believe and see the miracles unfolding before us all the time.