Our Circles are very interactive, and everything is designed to create the space for recognising how each of us matters and have important things to say.  Recently we were led through a pathway of discussing the Chakras and meditating on each of them to open, understand and refresh their energy.  We have been working with Astrology this last week and there have been some great conversations have followed.  Recently, for a session at a Spiritualist Centre, I made a home-made set of cards with all the things we discuss in Circle and there were 70 points of discussion that are ever expanding.

For me, the beauty of the Circle and what keeps me engaged after 25 years of running the Circles, is the variety and being open to the inspiration that comes through.  Yes we have a structure to the evening, so that we can fit in all the things that are important to the Circle such as Guided Meditation, Healing prayers and practicing the art of Mediumship but each session we are taken on a journey into how can we understand life better and how do we connect to our highest self.  Each Circle member comes from a different perspective and sometimes we agree and sometimes we don’t, but the beauty is that we are here to listen respectfully to each other and to learn how to work with our intuitive gifts in the best way. I think that this is another muscle one, that if we don’t exercise, will be lost and become inactive.

From time to time we invite guests to share their experiences and gifts, and Kaylene Ledgar is coming along on 29 October, 7 and 13 November to talk about her new book, “Speaking - it’s NOT worse than Death”, and, those of us who would rather jump off the Harbour Bridge than give a speech, are all looking forward to hearing how she came to this conclusion.

I am always blown away by how much wisdom is shared in the Circles and wish I could bottle it to share with others. We are working on some plans that might make that happen however, we are always guided to know that there is a Divine Plan for everything, and we simply have to be patient and open to how this will all work out.  What do we discuss?  Everything and anything that helps us to know ourselves better and to recognise that we are Physical, Mental, Emotional, Spiritual Beings who need to look after each aspect of our lives. The Circle is a great way to assist us in that endeavour, especially with the Spiritual Aspect of who we are.