Crystal/Numerology/Vision Board Workshop

Saturday 8th February from 1.00pm – 5.00pm

Mt Eliza Community Hall, Demonstration Room

Fee: $90.

Booking Contacts: Sheila 0420 932 787 / 5975 6413

                          Maureen 9498 6803 / 0435 020 032 Text

Come along for a practical afternoon of discovering so many things about what is in store for you in the coming year.  We are all under the influence of patterns and this Workshop is for those who wish to know more about who they are and the different energies that influence us. 

The Workshop will include: -

  • What your life Number is, and which crystal is the most significant help to you
  • What complete Number planes are influencing your life?
  • How are we collectively influenced by the Universal Year Number and which crystal will enhance this for us?
  • What is your personal year vibration? Which crystal will propel you in the right direction to help you this year?
  • Which complete Number planes are influencing you this year?
  • Making an energy/crystal grid for your vision board using the influence of an ancient technique.

There will be crystal gifts and a manual so that you can take the knowledge home and work with family and friends.  Fascinating, accurate and easy to follow information. A lovely afternoon tea will be provided and there will be Crystals for sale.

Happy Crystal Hunting